Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Face Behind the Blog (Part 1: My Hair)

     I have come to the realization that I have not done a good job of introducing myself and letting the world get to know me as the personality behind these words. I sincerely apologize, and I want to continue on by formally saying hello and welcome to my blog. My pseudo name is Rosa Rose, and I started this blog not only to express myself, but to also provide a perspective of life from the eyes of a minority female experiencing the joys and sorrows of high-school and hopefully college or real life further on.
     I would love to give a simple one word explanation of myself, but summarizing the intricate, trivial, and yet important aspects of what constitutes a person is extremely difficult, if not impossible. Yet there is one word in the English language which not only reflects the many qualities that one may possess, but also describes myself and my personality perfectly. This paradoxical complexly simple word which expresses one as well as the whole is... curly.
     I understand that it might be difficult to wrap one's mind around this metaphorical description, yet it manifests myself entirely in its meaning. Curly not only describes my hair because after all, it is like no other curly hair in the world. I'm not just saying that- rather writing that- to emphasis or create some sort of imagery. My hair really is completely different from anyone who has naturally curly hair. I can honestly say that I have not seen or known another person with my type of curliness, except of course for my mom.
     For that very reason, my hair and I have created a very special and confusing relationship throughout the years. We often argue and have extremely hostile moments. We are constantly at battle, and I occasionally commit betrayal by imagining what life would be like if I had straight hair like everyone else. To those with straight hair, I mean that in the nicest way because even though your hair isn't necessarily unique, I am truly jealous of it.      One day though, I will eventually be enlightened and come to accept that my hair is different, weird, and just that many more reasons to love it. It will be a lifelong battle, I have already realized that. What makes it most difficult is people and their ignorance. When they say things such as "Why do you wear it like that," "You must hate having curly hair," and ESPECIALLY "I think you would look so pretty if it was straight..." To those people, thank you for completely bashing my self-confidence. Does my hair not meet society's standards of beauty? Well then thats just one more cause to keep my hair all the more curly!
     I got my inspiration and a lot of ideas for this blog post at JonotJoe's Weblog. It is a very cool site so check it out if you can

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

     A new year is finally here! And with it comes new opportunities, challenges, and joys. I cannot help but reflect over last year, and remember all the good and bad. The terribly bipolar weather of Illinois, the recession, the unjust illegal immigration law of Arizona, and of course, the immense amounts of work in which my teachers took particular joy in watching their students suffer. All that, though, takes a back-seat to the amazing memories of my family, friends, Icy Sixteen birthday party, being a teenager, high-school, and most importantly, growing mentally and expanding my knowledge in writing and of different people and cultures. It is incredible how much a person can grow in just 365 days, but I sure grew plenty. Not only in knowledge but height... I'm finally five feet!
     Of course, in redundant tradition and in joyful hope, I have decided upon three things in which this year I will conquer and rise against. First, I plan to improve myself in what is my most cherished and held belief: the liberation of humanity from the clawing grasp of modern society and white European supremest views enforced for hundreds of years by writing and education. I plan to study about other cultures, in particular Africans and Asians. My second resolution is to gain more self-confidence. I would say I am pretty skinny and I guess attractive, but myself being of Spanish heritage, the usual insecurities which come from having curly hair and darker skin are deeply ingrained into my core. Finally, I plan to do better in chemistry. I love science, yet chemistry tends to be giving me a few problems.
     Overall 2010 was awesome, and since it's the first day of the new year, that old saying comes to haunt the new day: out with the old, and in with the new. I hope 2011 will be kick-butt!