Sunday, June 26, 2011

Summer Goodbyes

       Tomorrow will officially be the end of my summer. It will be a very sad day in my household {although I'm sure my parents are quite thrilled as I will be getting out of the house}. Three grueling weeks lay ahead of me, seeing as I have gotten well acquainted with the summer spirit. Wind flying through my hair, birds chirping through the morning mist, floating down the river bend... it is all quite picturesque, isn't it? Well, tomorrow it will be replaced by fluorescent lights, awkward desk chairs, and immature sophomore boys... such fun {not}. Summer school starts tomorrow if you haven't already guessed, and tomorrow is going to be one of those I've been going to sleep at three in the morning and it is way too early to function correctly type of days. I am very afraid that the flat G note of my alarm clock will forever be conditioned into my subconscious... bee bee beeee beeep.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Obnoxious Music Damage

      After five, FIVE, failed attempts to get out of bed today, my first thought was crap. My second thought was ugh, I have to get up {band camp is in two hours}, but more importantly my third thought was new clothes! My mom had taken my brother and me to get some new summer clothes, and I found these amazing little cami's that are sooo adorable. Today, I chose to wear a bright blue lace cami topped by a dark orange one that has exotic looking beads on the top part {so retro modern, and I came up with it all by myself}. If I must say so... it was pretty B.A. I even got two car honks and a wave as I dragged my sore, uncooperative body from band to the library {marching is some pretty intense stuff, let me tell ya}.
     We are learning four new songs, two of which are quite difficult {who knew, musically complex marching band literature exists... I never thought possible}. The flute parts are very abundant actually, so I am quite happy despite the fact that some of the music is so high, I feel like taking drills to my ears {I'm sure all of this is causing significant hearing damage}. My mom can't use hearing loss as a reason for me to turn my music down. So for now, I rock on. 

Monday, June 20, 2011

End of Humanitarian, Beginning of Procrastination

     Well this is quite a journey, this blog is. Can you tell... I still have no idea what I am doing? I've been brainstorming over its content, and while human rights is something I hold very close to my heart, it might be a bit too controversial {and according to my parents, there might be some snitches}. Snitches... riigght? As this marks the end of my failed attempt as a humanitarian, I return to normal life {dang it}.
     Summer school starts in a few weeks {and no, I know, I know, you were thinking I'm some juvenile delinquent, but no, actually, quite the opposite} because, in reality, my AP English paper is due in at least a week {which I started three days ago, and I still only have two sentences... Can you tell how excited I am?}. So my love affair with procrastination {and this blog} have not helped my academic life at all. Although, on the bright side, my love life is in full swing with two grandchildren hot in the oven... marching band camp started today and season eight of So You Think You Can Dance has begun {Oh yes, procrastination is a tempting mistress}.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

A Short Haiku

The leaf that I hold
Has Droplets of rain water
That makes my hands cold
    ~Justine Josma