Monday, June 20, 2011

End of Humanitarian, Beginning of Procrastination

     Well this is quite a journey, this blog is. Can you tell... I still have no idea what I am doing? I've been brainstorming over its content, and while human rights is something I hold very close to my heart, it might be a bit too controversial {and according to my parents, there might be some snitches}. Snitches... riigght? As this marks the end of my failed attempt as a humanitarian, I return to normal life {dang it}.
     Summer school starts in a few weeks {and no, I know, I know, you were thinking I'm some juvenile delinquent, but no, actually, quite the opposite} because, in reality, my AP English paper is due in at least a week {which I started three days ago, and I still only have two sentences... Can you tell how excited I am?}. So my love affair with procrastination {and this blog} have not helped my academic life at all. Although, on the bright side, my love life is in full swing with two grandchildren hot in the oven... marching band camp started today and season eight of So You Think You Can Dance has begun {Oh yes, procrastination is a tempting mistress}.

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